![]() I can't remember when I met Jenny, but I do know I am grateful to have her in my life because she's one of the funniest people I know. She runs the hilarious tumblr ASIANBOWLCUTS. She's a community organizer. She's been in a documentary with Joan Rivers and other female comedians called Why We Laugh. She's a professional organizer and when I am brave enough to have her come purge my house I will call her. Presently I am not that brave, so I will stick with my quasi hoarder house tchotckey filled home. You can like Jenny on Facebook for updates on her upcoming comedy shows. And now for the Oblivious Interview with this this awesome woman! Name(s) Jenny Yang **real legal name in Chinese you will never understand** Yanger Yangster Jen Jenster Jennyyang (one word) That obnoxious Chinese girl Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : Dis/orient/ed Comedy (http://disorientedcomedy.com) The Highland Park Gentrifier Set. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? Apparently... KnowwhatImean? How did you end up doing what you are doing now? I met societal and parental expectations to be a good Asian. Then realized I could be happier doing other stuff. That other stuff is now writing and stand up comedy and working in television production. I'm saying this process simply because there was a lot of fear, tears and freakouts in-between. I get into it here: http://jennyyang.tv/blog/2012/02/03/ive-been-a-good-asian-now-i-want-to-do-what-i-love and here: http://jennyyang.tv/blog/2013/03/04/coming-out-to-my-parents-about-doing-standup-comedy-repost-from-creativelifepod Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? I'm working my way up to be RZA - the producer and visionary. But alas. I'm be Wu-Yang, the 10th unknown member who only raps about snacks. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs. They're friendly. And they work for their food. I respect that. What is the best part of any given day for you? The part where I get to lie down - for any number of purposes. What is the last thing you searched for on google?
Wu-Tang Clan. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? Follow your joy and screw what others think. It's all an illusion. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? Chicago. A restaurant called A Tavola. Roasted Lamb Shank on a bed of white bean puree. Delicate hand-made butternut squash ravioli. Followed by the lightest panna cotta ever. That. And my mom's "water-fried" pork buns. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? The project of figuring out how to make a living writing and performing is quite a life-long project. Searching for what I need to say in my work to help others. Dis/orient/ed Comedy ) is a part of that. Getting to be on a Showtime documentary "Why We Laugh: Funny Women" with Joan Rivers and other comedic veterans was kinda of amazing too. Oh. And I'm fixing to write a book about "Being a Good Asian" - at least redefining what that is. And then there's this other thing I'ma do that's called "3 Seconds of Crazy" with Jenny Yang. It'll be on YouTube. (btw: i'm listing these last two because they are ideas that have been incubating and the more I say it out loud the more likely it will happen)
Oblivious InterviewsHere's where I talk to really awesome people and share their stories with you! Archives
March 2016