Last night I went to #NJPWG1USA repping #balutclub #tfalpodcast. It was my first live wrestling show ever and it did not disappoint. For folks who cannot understand why I am into wrestling I recommend you watch episode 5 of GLOW on Netflix. One of the characters on the show has an epiphany about why wrestling works. . The answer? . STORIES . Entertainment is about stories. It’s what keeps us engaged and coming back for more. Stories are why I made my dad read Cinderella to me every night as a toddler. Stories are why my Lola Sabel watched All My Children, One Life to Live, and General Hospital religiously and would not let me change the channel. Stories are why in college I could go back to my freshman year dorm at 1pm and there would be a group of us watching Days of Our Lives on the common living room tv. Stories are why summer blockbluster’s are fun, documentaries are compelling, and tv is currently in a golden age. . My history with wrestling goes back to my childhood. I watched wrestling on TV and got sucked into the story. Like Lola Sabel’s soaps, wrestling was my soap opera. As I got older I fell out of touch with what was happening, but like All My Children, I could always jump back in and get into the story. In college PUSO Pal Berto, (FYI he is my PUSO pal because of the UCI student org Pilipino Pre-Health Undergraduate Student Organization PUSO matched us to be PUSO pals!), would watch wrestling with some friends. I remember I tried to come over and watch with the homies but my allergic reaction to cats prevented me from hanging out since I preferred being able to breathe and not having my eyes burn and my nose run. Berto is the reason for my new foray into wrestling. Last year for my birthday I got a surprise in the mail. A WWE Network card, a list of matches to watch, and a list of shows. This was my “homework.” I mentioned to him that I was getting into Lucha Underground and occasionally watching RAW and Smackdown. His birthday gift turned into putting WWE Network cards on my elfster for Christmas, and finally buying my own card when my gift cards ran out. Which leads me to last night when we saw NJPW1USA live. I saw wrestlers I had only seen on the internet and tv before my very eyes. Hearing folks chant “This is Awesome,” boo a heel, or flip their shit when something insane happened was the best. We sat behind a family with two girls who were super into the show, flashing the #BulletClub sign, and standing on chairs for a better view. If I could time travel to my little kid self I would let that bowl cut Elaine know that one day you’ll be at a live show and there will be other girls into wrestling too. I would also tell myself the winning powerball numbers for the next jackpot and make myself promise that I wouldn’t turn into Biff Tannen. . Last night the crowd was into the story because that’s what keeps us in the seats. It’s why we boo or cheer. It’s why #tfalpodcast exists so we can tell Filipino American stories. Why hopefully one day we can talk to Dave Bautista, TJ Perkins, Kris Wolf, Jeff Cobb, DJZ Michael Paris and hear their stories as Filipino American professional wrestlers. Because if we don’t tell these stories, who will?
#coloryourtroublesaway is collaborating with AAPI Dialogues at UCLA this May. Perfect for #apahm #apahm2017! Join us for lunch time stress relief on Tuesday, May 16 & 23 at 12pm. Location will be announced closer to the event!
A year ago I was on a journey with Grace Chikui. Little Tokyo, a neighborhood I frequent often, became something new. I learned how to navigate Little Tokyo through Grace's shoes. I'm so excited to share this work with everyone. You can all walk with Grace through the video below.
Shot and produced in March 2016, WALKING WITH GRACE is a short 360º video documentary that highlights Little Tokyo places and streets through the perspective of Grace Chikui, a blind woman and long-time resident.
To enrich the 360º experience, the project team recorded the environment with a Soundfield ambisonic microphone and mixed the spatial audio with TwoBigEars' workflow (now Facebook 360's Spatial Workstation). WALKING WITH GRACE had its world premiere at the LA Asian Pacific Film Festival in April 2016; as part of the program, INTERACTIVE LITTLE TOKYO! WALKING WITH GRACE is a production presented by FORM follows FUNCTION and Visual Communications, with VR Direction and Spatial Audio App/Design by Vicki Huang. The WALKING WITH GRACE team would like to thank everyone that helped this project; especially our Crowdrise donors: Amreen Karmali Angelica Tonatzin Borlasa Family Cecille Cervancia CES Dodge & Ging Ed Moy Eliza Escano glenn togawa Jackie Liao Jeanell Allenegui Kathie Foley-Meyer KawaiiSKI Lindy Melanie Espinueva+Aure Nancy Yap Nicole Miyahara Pebbles Robert Shoji t-kay san juan Tito Boboy & Tita Myrna and our donors who preferred to be listed as Anonymous =)
Happy Pi Day!
For as much as I make fun of Mike and Valley Twin Joe about their use of puns, I will admit I am a fan of things pun-tastic. On one of our last trips to the Griffith Park Observatory I bought a 3.14 Pi shirt with the intention of wearing it today. Sadly I forgot to put it on this morning. However I did not forget to stop by the grocery store to pick up a pie for work! Apple pie, Ready Whip, and then some miscellaneous snacks. Those Smash Mallow Cinnamon Churro things are dangerous. And I can never resist a Rice Krispy Treat. I blame Tita Nenette. She would make them all the time when I was a kid and now whenever I see home made Rice Krispy Treats in stores I can't resist!
A classic Disney throwback!
For a long time I worked with students in the STEM field. Science and Math jokes were a way of life. And while I am not a math wiz, I do appreciate Pi Day!
Even my new Senator is getting in on the fun!
TREE TRUNKS! Love this Cartoon Network Pi Pun!
That's some spiffy baking work on this Pi-e!
Even the NHL is getting in on this!
What are your favorite Pi puns? Can you recite Pi? How far can you go? Whatever you do today, enjoy a slice of Pi!
These came in last night. #shortflagsdocu continues! Was #shortflags #pepflags #flaggies #twirling a part of your life? Are you Filipino American? Eseel & I want to meet you!
![]() Start your week right! Mini #tfalpodcast episode 9.5 is up! Share your half baked ideas with us on Facebook, twitter, email, or leave us a voicemail 805.394.TFAL.
Yesterday was Diggin Sunday + Color Your Troubles Away. It was a much needed reprieve from the chaos around us. Having the chance to hang out with folks at Tribal Cafe while we listened to music, colored & crafted, ate delicious bowls and sandwiches was a healing afternoon.
For folks who missed out Color Your Troubles Away will be back in March!
New for Maganda March: CYTA Opportunity Drawing! CYTA partners with local small businesses to foster a space built around connecting community and creativity. Enter the opportunity drawing for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to The Park’s Finest! Proceeds from ticket sales will go towards Fil Am Arts. $5 for 1 ticket $12 for 3 tickets CYTA Opportunity Drawing winners will be announced on Tuesday, March 28th. Winners will be contacted via email. Winners do not need to be present to win. Please note opportunity drawing payment may not be tax deductible, since you are receiving an item for an opportunity drawing payment. Check with your tax person if there is a inquiring as to its tax deductibility. Buy tickets here: CYTA Opportunity Drawing
Many thanks to The Park's Finest for providing their space for Maganda March!
This past Saturday we joined our fellow Angelenos and convened on Downtown Los Angeles for the Women's March. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to attend this march. Leading up to Saturday many friends had been making plans to march. There was even sign making station at a potluck party that we go to every January. These conversations were happening around me and yet I did not know if I would go.
What changed for me was the inauguration. I had been so wrapped up in figuring out how to the latest episode of This Filipino American Life (Episode 8: Did you eat yet?) that I was able to ignore all the news. But then the memes began to flood my feed and it became unavoidable. Cheeto Prezidon't Voldemort ignored his wife, said an oath, and began an attempt at governance. I have been operating with a low key sense of dread. It's an awful feeling that I am constantly combatting and am being vigilant to give myself space for self care before I fall into a manic state of depression. This is not me being overly dramatic. As I have written in the past about my battles with depression. Being at the Women's March lifted my spirits. There were times where folks made it known that this was their first march where I wondered "where were you before?" This city has had numerous marches for immigration, black lives matter, and Filipino American Veterans. I will remain hopeful that folks who attended these marches take next steps to do work.
There is work to be done. There will always be work to be done. Valerie Kaur gave an amazing speech that puts into words the hope I am trying to carry with me.
"What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb – but the darkness of the womb?"
Need a distraction from the current presidential news cycle? Take a listen to the latest episode of This Filipino American Life! We talk food with Sarahlynn Pablo of Filipino Kitchen!
I share more stories about how my family lied to me about certain Filipino foods. And by lied I mean push their preferences for Sinigang made with fish (yuck) and Tortang Talong not being made with ground beef (double yuck). I'm happy to announce the return of Color Your Troubles Away! 2017 is the year of Get Shit Done. Collaborating with community folks motivates me on getting CYTA done! Quite excited to be joining the Diggin' Sunday family on providing the coloring meditation while they provide everyone with the vinyl melodies to help soothe, inspire, and motivate our minds.
Color Your Troubles Away + Diggin Sunday RSVP here or by clicking on the pic above Sunday, January 29th, 1-5pm Tribal Cafe 1651 W. Temple St., Historic-Filipinotown 90026 |
#ColorYourTroublesAway Organizer of coloring events in Los Angeles|#TFAL#TFALpodcast This Filipino American Life podcast @tfalpodcast|Writer of ObliviousnessFollow me on instagram (@obliviousnerdgrl) for daily obliviousness and teaser sheets for Color Your Troubles Away! Archives
July 2017