The LA Hip Hop scene in the late 90s and early 2000s was filled with epic shows. I remember that these shows always had someone with a camera either taking photos or shooting video. DJ Bonds not only produced these shows, but documented many of the performances at Club Elements. He shares a little about himself in this Oblivious Interview.
Name(s) Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : DJ BONDS – Elements / The Specialists What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? Not one word but a phrase I use a little too much is “you know” At the end of a sentence I will just tag that phrase along…you know? How did you end up doing what you are doing now? A few years ago I reached out to my friend DJ MARK LUV regarding concert footage I had of J5, Dilated Peoples and other shows Elements produced back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. I didn’t know what to do with the footage and Mark suggested we go to the Artform Studio and meet up with Adrian Younge. Adrian was the man behind the score for Black Dynamite and Mark thought a quick meeting would give me the answer I was looking for. As I describe the footage I have, Adrian kept asking questions and I would tell story after story of the LA Underground Hip-Hop scene back in the day. After a few stories he stopped and said “right now we need a camera on you, Elements, you have to tell the story, what you have is a documentary”. Now here I am a few years later producing a documentary on Elements and getting the word out on our kick-starter campaign to raise funds to produce the film.
Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality?
RZA, I like to make things happen behind the scenes and take on the leadership role for projects I have a passion for. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs, I’m not a fan of cats. When I was 7yrs old some cat went wild on me trying to attack me for my chain around my neck and ever since then I can’t stand cats! What is the best part of any given day for you? The best part of the day for me has two parts, that moment in the day where I’m being productive and knocking out task after task. And at the end of a long day being with my wife and kids and the reason why I hustle so hard in the first place. In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? My team would be a mix of folks I grew up watching on TV shows. First person on the team would have to be MacGyver, he could get us out of any situation. Mr. T would be head of security and overall bad ass to protect us from the zombies. And the cast of Soul Train so we could party hard each night after wins against the enemy zombies!
What is the last thing you searched for on google?
The last thing I searched on google was actually our website . I had to double check our website, we’re about to go hard on our promotions since we only have til May 27th to reach our $10,000 goal. The kick-starter campaign goal we have will allow us to finish up the necessary interviews and clearances we need for a major release. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? I would tell my high school self to use the opportunities presented and make the most of them. Make the most out of college, producing shows, DJing in clubs, tours and radio. I would tell myself to use the passions I have for music and education to create opportunities for other people. Create opportunities for those that influenced me, my network and create opportunities for the next generation who will carry on the values I believe in.
What is the best thing or meal you ever ate?
Apple pie and ice cream dessert I had in New York, ESPN Zone on tour back in June 2001. The pie had different layers of apples and crust with caramel and ice cream that I still dream about 14 years later. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? I’m currently working on a project that will not only be memorable for myself but for Hip-hop as a whole. Back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s I produced a weekly club called Elements. The vibe was pure hip-hop that included all the elements of hip-hop with MC Battles, dope DJ’s, amazing breakers and dancers in the heart of Los Angeles. The story I’m attempting to tell is about the LA Underground Hip-hop scene back in then day and the connection between The Good Life, Project Blowed, Unity and Club Elements. These LA Underground spots helped mold incredible talents like Jurassic 5, Dilated Peoples, Planet Asia, The Beat Junkies and more. My plan is to sit down with everyone on camera and tell a different side of Los Angeles, a different story than what the West Coast is generally known for. We currently have a fundraising campaign thru kick-starter to help us finish making the film. On our website people can support this project by making a donation to our kick-starter campaign. The campaign ends on May 27th at 8pm and we need everyone’s support to make this project a reality. The $10,000 we’re attempting to raise will go directly to costs associated with making the film. I’ve sat down with a number artists and dj’s including Dilated Peoples, Jurassic 5, Beat Junkies, Planet Asia, Jeru the Damaja, Pharoahe Monch and more. Over the next few weeks I have scheduled interviews Talib Kweli, Chino Xl and others I’ve worked with and thru these interviews we will paint a picture of this vibrant time in the LA Hip-hop scene. I hope if you’re reading this and want to get more information on the Elements Documentary or you want to make a donation that you’ll visit join the movement and help us tell the story!
These stories, those memories, they need to be shared. Not just for hip hop historians, but for folks who love music! Many thanks to DJ Bonds for this Oblivious Interview. Please support the Elements Documentary.
Follow DJ Bonds & the Elements Documentary on Social Media! Kickstarter Soundcloud IG -
On this edition of Oblivious Interviews, I am happy to have my good friend Ish aka 1belle aka world traveler do one of these things. Random fact about Ish, she has touched down on almost every continent in the world. I think that's pretty amazing. I think we first met when I was in grad school at USC and she was in undergrad, but we didn't become friends until she worked at SIPA with Mike. It was obvious we'd become friends because a) she loves food, as she states in her interview, b) she loves the Dodgers and Disneyland as much as me and Strawberry Farm Boy, c) she's my Baby-Sitters Club buddy! I don't know how we started talking about BSC, but we nerded out over the books and how she identified with Stacey and I connected with Claudia and our nicknames for each other were formed. Ish would talk about how she wanted to work somewhere that changed the world. She's a smarty pants grad student at Columbia's SIPA program (ironically another SIPA). This summer she's working as an intern for the UN Environment Assembly, which is the area that focuses on on climate change policy. The internship takes place in Nairobi, so she's going on safaris and random bush parties. I could go on more, but check out her interview and meet this funny gal yourself! Follow her on tumblr at! ![]() Name(s): Isabelle Lacson, online identity: 1belle (I'm Filipino-American so 1=isa, thus 1belle. Does anyone understand me yet...) Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : Currently: Columbia SIPA, the United Nations and the City Government of New York. Formerly, I was in the Philippine government. And I'm a Trojan for life! I'm currently in Nairobi, Kenya, working with the UN on a project on improving early warning systems for climate change hazards in Africa. I travel, eat, talk too much, read, do yoga and play with my iPad on quieter days. I also have a blog because I lack attention. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? "Text." I have started to replace normal "goodbye" with "text me" or "I'll text you." And sadly, in my texts, "LOLZ" is too common. How did you end up doing what you are doing now? Hustling hard? Haha, but, fine, seriously. My career goal has always been "to help people." So, I've always kind of done that! I never had a private sector job as a result, and have been happily hopping around the public sector for 8 years. It was 3 years ago when I was typhoon-soaked in Metro Manila, feeding an equally soaked little girl hot soup in a makeshift tent that I started focusing my life on natural disasters, disaster risk reduction and climate change. I also recognize that I had a lot of help along the way to end up here: teachers, mentors, supervisors, family and friends who acted as cheerleaders, colleagues, staff members, people who challenged me, people who abandoned me, people who dissed me online, people who lied, cheated, stole, lovers, haters... they all made up part of my story. Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? I like that one Method Man + Mary J. Blige mix of "You're All I Need To Get By"... it makes me do small dances. So, Method Man. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Not because I own 2 dogs (Lucy and Linus), but because I really hate cats and their ugly faces, and want to punt all of them off a bridge, DOGS4EVER. What is the best part of any given day for you? After I take a shower at night, I have my "me time." I let myself do whatever I want - sometimes, I catch up on TV, pop in a movie, read articles on my phone (despite what everyone says), blog or start overthinking for the next day/the rest of my life. Favorite Buzzfeed list or quiz? Why? This one is quite old, but it made me laugh the hardest. Case in point: ![]() In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? I heard somewhere that a dentist is essential, so I would probably bring my lady dentist. She's tiny too, so I would eat more of her rationed food (because I LOVE food and would need more of it because I'd be capping zombies 24/7 and we'd just keep her alive for dental benefits). I'd also have a metallurgist to keep making bullets or fashioning metal weapons (in his spare time, he can make me some nice apocalyptic-era jewelry). I'd also take Anthony Bourdain because he could cook faster than me and keep me entertained with his stories. Also, from his Instagram he does some martial arts, so that would be helpful. Lastly, I would take myself, because I practiced surviving an apocalypse during Manila's first zombie run. Practice makes perfect! What is the last thing you searched for on google? Been going over the Philippine government's situation reports for the latest typhoon, Rammasun/Glenda for a report. I know. I'm lame. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? You will gain weight and live away from your high school city for 6 years, but that doesn't mean that people will forget you and not recognize you in the mall. This is what growing up together means. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? It has a great story, actually. I went whitewater rafting in Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, for the third time, I think. I was 15 or 16. I didn't feel like having breakfast, which turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life. After 3 hours and 7 huge rapids, I semi-fainted in the raft because I was so weak from the paddling and life-saving swimming. They hauled me to land, where I threw up nothing but water (most likely injested from going down the rapids). A few meters from where I liqui-barfed, my family had lunch brought down the ravine. There was rice, liempo (grilled porkchop), grilled eggplant and tomatoes, bagoong, green mangoes, fried fish, grilled prawns and of course, my favorite sauces suka (vinegar) and patis (fish sauce). We ate classic Filipino-style-no utensils and on plates lined with banana leaves. I guess you can say it was a typical Filipino meal, but to me, it was the best meal, ever. Now, I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? In my previous job in government, I wrote a lot of speeches for my boss. Each one was memorable for me, even the bad ones. I enjoyed watching and listening my words comes alive - I would feel sort of like a movie director or a composer. Though I never memorized my speeches on purpose, I would always know what rhythm, tone or feeling I was going for with every word. I would listen for the pauses, watch the reactions and hope that my message resonated somehow. And when I would write in Tagalog, it was like writing my own poetry. I would always request to watch the speech delivered live - it became like my requirement because I was obsessed with orchestrating the perfect delivery. I started writing speeches again a few months ago for the Philippine Ambassador to the UN, and it's still like making magic. I'm totally excited for my cousin Tony's Patao Pop Up coming up this Saturday. The menu looks delicious and amazing! To be honest I can't believe my cousin is now getting his PhD and is also super tall. I still remember when he was a little munchkin when we would visit him at his parents house in North Hollywood. Many thanks to him for doing this Oblivious Interview. It was neat learning more about him! If you are free this Saturday and want to try his delicious menu, you can still get tickets here! Name(s) Tony Martin Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc): PATAO ( UCLA Science & Food ( What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? I catch myself saying, "Dannnnnng" quite often. I use it to add emphasis to just about everything. "Dannnnng, this salsa is spicy" "Dannnnng, that movie was so good" How did you end up doing what you are doing now? I decided to pursue higher education in the sciences because I was interested in making a contribution to our understanding on human diseases. With that said, being in a Ph.D program is no joke! My mentor often says, "There's a reason why we call it RE-SEARCH". The first thing you come to learn as a graduate student is that experiments WILL and OFTEN fail. So you get used to repeating experiments over and over again. But you make calculated decisions based on your results and try to improve your protocol. It's just like cooking. You decide to make your first batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. They suck, naturally. But next time you decide to brown the butter or maybe chop a chocolate bar instead of using chips. Eventually, you get the hang of it and make something you are proud of and want to share. That's how my love for cooking came into the picture. Cooking is much like working in a lab, except the reagents are different and the product is edible. How could you not like cooking? Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? Definitely NOT the guy who had a bad run with scissors. Ouch! But I guess he's not a proper member of the Wu-Tang Clan anyway. I'd say Ghostface Killah. I had the privilege of catching him at one of the Boiler Room performances and that guy was so passionate about his performance. I'd like to think that same passion translates to into the work I do too. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? That's hard. I really think dogs AND cats are so tight. Do you remember Catdog? That things WINS. What is the best part of any given day for you? The parts of the day that bring me the most satisfaction include (1) breakfast (2) lunch (3) dinner. Always and forever. 143 637! In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? I don't know an incredible amount about the X-Men, but in the event of a zombie apocalypse, it's me + them ALL DAY. Shout out Storm aka H.Berry who would just ICE those fools, literally. What is the last thing you searched for on google? "Chela - Zero" -- I met Chelsea at a party a couple years ago when she was visiting LA from Melbourne and we've been friends since. I'm so proud of what she's accomplished and can't wait to see where her career takes her next. I've been watching the video for "Zero" non-stop because well, HAVE YOU SEEN HER DANCE MOVES? If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? "Dear High School Anthony, TAKE CERAMICS". Better yet, "Dear Current Self, TAKE CERAMICS". What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? I've been privileged to have had some really, incredibly delicious food in my life. So this question is just wrong, Elaine! There's too many to list! But, honestly, Spamsilog just really does it for me. That's my favorite for life. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on?
PATAO is the center of everything I do now. It's a project I started to honor the life of my grandmother who passed away many years. Her spirit in life inspired me and even in her absence she continues to do so. ![]() Many thanks to Eric for doing this Oblivious Interview early on when I was getting the ball rolling for this feature. Check out Keep It Rooted in the South Bay area! Name: Eric Solidum SGHS Graduation Year: 1998 What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? "Like". I cant help it.. Im like totally from the valley. What is a random high school memory that has stuck with you all these years? Smoking cigarettes on the side of Bryan Pacpaco's house in the morning before school and drowning in Victoria's Secret body spray to cover up the smell. How did you end up doing what you are doing now? I first started out working with an up and coming wristwatch company called MSTR Watches which broke myself into the fashion industry. Since then I have moved on and started my own business w/ my partners called ROOTED - a lifestyle men's boutique located in Artesia. If high school is the movie "The Breakfast Club" which one were you? Brain? Athlete? Basket case? Princess? Criminal? Which one are you now? With the choices available, I would say the athlete since I played sports for SGHS. Currently I would say I am a basket case but that's only because I am working on a few projects at the same time. What is the best part of any given day for you? The beginning of every day is always a blessing. Algebra. Did whatever Mr. Van teach you stick? Do you even still use it? Absolutely.... not. Thankfully, I am in a business where I don't have to apply the Pythagorean theorem in daily life. What is the last thing you searched for on google? Ideas for clothing racks. If you could talk to your high school self, what would you say to them? Enjoy it while it lasts because as you get older, it doesn't get any easier. Stay focused on your studies because it will pave the way for your future. Also, don't let anyone or anything stop you from doing what you want to do or who you want to be in life. Can you still sing the Valiant Alma Mater? Yes I can but might want to refrain from giving me the mic to sing in public. Ill drive the crowd away. If you are in the Artesia area check out Keep It Rooted. The shop sounds neat! Also follow the shop on facebook, twitter, and instagram.
Facebook: KeepItRooted Twitter: KeepItRooted Instagram: KeepItRooted ![]() Alfie is a constant inspiration and always gives me real talk when it comes to my creative endeavors and life in general! I know she's been on a crazy journey this year. We've talked about our own ups and downs and how this year is the time for us to be only honest with ourselves. To not get in the way of our own progress. To not being afraid. I'm so lucky to have her as one of my early cheerleaders. Alfie's awesome and this interview will show why! I You should check out her show this Friday! "All The Right Weaponry/She Verses I" opening up this Friday, Feb 21st at The Artform Studio (701 E 3rd St, Ste 120, Los Angeles, CA 90013). You'll be able to meet Alfie and check out her artwork! ![]() Name(s) Alfie Ebojo aka alfie numeric Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : FilAm Arts, Beatrock Collective, Balagtasan Collective I love people, culture and peace. I make art or advocate for ideas to ensure that those three things are protected and nurtured. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? If you ask my parents, I Instagram too much. I don’t know why. Maybe because I am always at home creating, running around solo and I want to share intimate snapshots of my life. Or maybe because I want to brag about some awesome experience or event, not to annoy people, because I myself can have a digital archive of a timeline of my life and remember the cool people and events that happen. My life speeds by in a blur and as much as I try to be present with it, I miss things. Taking pics is my way of remembering, processing and learning from them. ![]() How did you end up doing what you are doing now? I took the red pill Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? Well, despite of having a huge crush on him throughout my college and 20s, I won’t say Method Man. And to not blow myself into something doper than I really am, I won’t claim Ghostface Killer; I’m not at that level yet. I’d have to say RZA would be the Killer Bee that best describes me. I nerd out on kung fu flicks, Eastern philosophies and like to dip my hands into everything. I won’t say I will master them all but shit, nothing will stop me from trying new things and wanting to do it my way. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs by default simply because I am allergic to cats. And technically, I am allergic to dogs too but for some reason, there are a select few who don’t cause me any problems.. So I’d say the champs are Koki and Harper, because I am biased like that. What is the best part of any given day for you? The ability to change a bad mood or situation around. So long as I have time, I have a chance to always to bend my life to where it needs to go, Avatar-steez. LifeBender. Favorite Buzzfeed list or quiz? Why? That is like asking me to go to th beach, pick up a handful of sand and pic your favorite micro-shell… Fine. Since you like to put limitations on me… In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? Seeing that Michonne was was handy with the blade, I’d like to have my own version of the Crazy 88s except they wouldn’t suck like they did in the movie. The Professor from Gilligan’s Island would be cool to have too. I like being comfortable in whatever compound we have to make while we travel. Or and a goose that lays golden eggs, but it won’t lay eggs; she will lay golden 22lr bullets so I will always have a never ending supply of ammo for my Hello Kitty Smith and Wesson M&P15 What is the last thing you searched for on google? What Buzzfeed was. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? Stop second-guessing yourself! Oh and dump him because years later, he’s going to cheat on you. Only you knew him but you act like you got a endless supply of “benefit of a doubt” to give out. Listen to your gut. You are more powerful than you even realize. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? Whatever I eat after running 7 miles on a mountain. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? Transforming myself and bringing all aspects of me- spirit, emotions, mind and body- to vibrate on a higher frequency. Thank you Alfie for doing this! And for always being their to support Oblivious Nerd Girl!
Check out more info on the facebook event page here: "All the Right Weaponry" and "She Versus I" Featuring the Art of Alfie Numeric and Stephanie Takemoto ![]() My favorite thing about these interviews is learning something new about amazing people in my life. Maya is someone I've always admired. Her work through Form Follows Function is beautiful. I love her ability to tell stories through film. I'll let her words speak for themselves! Name(s) Maya Santos Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : FORM follows FUNCTION, creative director & founder FORM follows FUNCTION FIELDWORK SOUL IN THE PARK I like to bike, draw, paint watercolor... meditate, space out..... I like space and making space experiential. I like architecture and architecture history, visualizing how places were in the past and seeing what's possible in the future. I like music of all kinds, sounds where I can hear soul. I like seeing and experiencing art...gravitating toward what resonates. I like to conceptualize projects with people, and to connect people with people who have could potentially collaborate together. I like graphic design, people watching, movie watching, traveling, and dreaming, especially remembering dreams. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? netflix. How did you end up doing what you are doing now? My background is in architecture. I graduated with a B.Arch and B.S in Architectural Studies, worked in the field for a few years and got bored. Have always loved to shoot video and document life around me. Also enjoyed dabbling in multi-media installation. Learned how to edit on an analog 3/4" system and made a documentary on Filipino turntablists with my crew isangmahal back in Seattle. Years later in the Bay, learned how to edit digitally and made a short abstract piece that made it in some film festivals. That piece helped me get a job in a documentary studio in LA, called Sustainable Media Studio. I became Lead Editor there and had the opportunity to direct and co-direct my first short documentaries about places; "BUILDING A" was about the historic restoration and rehabilitation of a building at Trade Tech Community College, and "A CONVERSATION" was about the MLK Library at City College as told by Dorothy, a Librarian who worked there for over 30 years. After that particular piece got in a few film festivals, I soon realized that my education in Architecture did not go to waste and that I had knack for making short films about places through the perspectives of people who use them. Focusing on this angle really resonated with me because 1) I've always wanted to use architecture as a means to help empower people, especially marginalized people with a voice in how they see the places in which they live, and I've always wanted to support their visions of how to make the built environment more enjoyable and useful. 2) Making short films highlighting people's experiences, stories, memories, visions about the places around them can help create more awareness about the places around us all, AND can help people learn more about one another. This can only help in the process of breaking down barriers. 3) The relationship between people and their environment constantly creates place and because everything changes, places constantly change. In telling the story of one place, so many stories and lessons emerge because of all the energy that intersects there throughout time. Sharing stories of one place can reveal how that place is evolving and reflect how people are evolving in the way they use it. Exploring these relationships really is fascinating to me, which is why FORM follows FUNCTION was founded in 2011. It is an open collaborative studio dedicated to creating media about places. By being collaborative, we are open to working with anyone who wants to tell a unique story about a place, whether it be about the architecture or landscaping, or your grandmother who lived and worked there for many years, or about people coming together to create a community garden there, and in the case of THE COTABATO SESSIONS, about the music and art that originated from the land there and is still alive...all of these elements and more is what creates a place. FORM follows FUNCTION is interested in supporting the dialogue about place in this way through media. shameless plug: ... thanks for the support guys! Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? ummm...not really sure I know them all well enough to say, but I was a fan of Method Man or at least he was memorable to me. So maybe that is something. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? DOGS all day...I'm deathly allergic to cats though they are intriguing ;) What is the best part of any given day for you? Early morning before dawn, in my second dream....usually very vivid and sometimes lucid. In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? the one with the master plan. What is the last thing you searched for on google? to be honest, wu-tang clan...but before that "Where or When" by Peggy Lee on youtube. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? discipline yo self girl! it will help you in the long run! What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? When I ate meat, adobo, was my favorite meal ever. Now as a vegetarian, I long for anything close. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? THE COTABATO SESSIONS was like a dream seriously. First of all, I've always wanted to shoot outside of the country...and to be able to go to the motherland and to shoot with talented cinematographer and friend there, Ruelo Lozendo was just perfect. To be in the country side of Mindanao (where a lot of people were telling me not to go), was really the one of the most peaceful places I've ever felt. The production itself had a lot of unknowns, but the combination of Joel Quizon, Susie Ibarra and her husband Roberto, Master Danny Kalanduyan along with the entire Kalanduyan family, and local sound crew there, it seemed that nothing was stopping this project and all the elements came together to support the grace and ease it all really was for us. I've heard the Kulintang before in the US, but to experience this live and direct from the source, especially from entire women elder ensembles was unlike anything I've experienced before. It was like the land and the people and the ancestors were speaking through them and we were truly blessed to witness and document it! There were many timeless moments behind the camera where I was just in complete awe and had to recognize the dream that was really happening. For me it was a true honor to be there and I will always be thankful for it. Super hyped to finally get to edit in full. For now the trailer is on the kickstarter page: The support that has been coming through on this project has been overwhelming. BIG THANKS TO ALL FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS! Many thanks to Maya for doing an Oblivious Interview with me! I am so stoked for The Cotabato Sessions to be completed. The images and teasers that are shown in the trailer are not enough. If you can contribute to their Kickstarter campaign, please do! They have some amazing incentives that you can receive by donating to the film.
The Cotabato Sessions Kickstarter Campaign ![]() I first met Yumi when she was volunteering for Tuesday Night Cafe. It wasn't until years later that I found out we had a random connection. She actually was in a Asian American theater group with my bff Jen called LCC. I've been a big fan of her work for quite some time. In fact I didn't know this but I had a piece of hers hanging in our staircase/art gallery section of our house. I won a painting of Yumi's through a Tuesday Night Cafe silent auction! She's an awesome artist who's currently on a Valentine's Day book tour for her book "I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You." The book is amazing and you should definitely pick it up at your local bookstore and mayhaps an Urban Outfitters! Without further ado here is my Oblivious Interview with Yumi Sakugawa! Name(s): Yumi Sakugawa Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : L.A. Zine Fest exhibitor and part-time volunteer, comic contributor for The Rumpus, former volunteer now lurker of Tuesday Night Project What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? It's a tie between "awesome" and "like." I'm a So. Cal gal. How did you end up doing what you are doing now? Years of doodling, reading comics, worshipping Sailor Moon, breathing in way too much Sharpie ink pen fumes and being a mediocre art school student. ![]() Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? I am so embarrassed that I don't know how to answer this question. I will say, however, that out of all the Sailor Scouts in the Sailor Moon universe, I'm totally a Sailor Saturn and if I had to choose between Rei and Asuka, I am such a Rei. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? In a war for my love and affection, dogs win hands down. Because I need lots and lots of unconditional love. What is the best part of any given day for you? Anytime I am in a mindful flow and completely accepting of the present moment. It is cheesy but it is completely true. Favorite Buzzfeed list or quiz? Why? This is the easiest question for me to answer. Because NOTHING, NOTHING can ever top this BuzzFeed list on The Baby-Sitters' Club: The Definitive Ranking Of All 131 Baby-Sitter’s Club Cover Outfits (link: In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? My partner David. Because without him, I would probably be eating a lot of contaminated food and drinking a lot of contaminated water without knowing it. This applies for non-apocalypse scenarios, too. What is the last thing you searched for on google? I momentarily forgot how to spell "fumes." For some reason I kept thinking it was spelled "humes." I think it was all those adolescent years of breathing in Sharpie ink pen fumes. ![]() If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? I think I would have a list of all these aspirational things I would want to say, like "love yourself" and "don't be so hung up about finding your soul mate," and then I would take a look at my high school self, completely forget everything I had planned to say, and then simply give her / me a big, long, wordless hug while she / me cries into my shoulder. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? Pretty much anything my mom makes is the best thing or meal I've ever ate. As far as non-homecooked meals go, right now I am way too obsessed with the tsukemen ramen at Tsujia Annex on Sawtelle. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? Right now I'm working on a short comic story about a young woman who is nervous about telling her parents that she had just gotten very intensive cosmetic surgery. I'm hoping to get that all done by L.A. ZIne Fest. I completely agree with Yumi on her Babysitter's Club buzzfeed list choice. It is pretty spectacular and I believe all of Claudia's outfits should win all the awards.
If you have the chance to check out on her tour, please do! But if you can't make it out to your local bookstore there is always the internet! You can pick up "I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You" on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. ![]() Mark and I were once co-directors for the Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture. I think he was just starting his Ph.D program and I remember thinking HOLY CRAP, that's a lot of school. More power to this brother for pushing through and being almost done with his program! Mark is a co-editor with Kuttin Kandi (of 5th Platoon) and Roderick Labrador of the recently published, "Empire of Funk: Hip Hop and Representation in Filipino/a America" The book sounds awesome and I can't wait to pick up a copy. Name(s) Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : Mark Redondo Villegas, Ph.D. candidate in Culture and Theory and UC Irvine ![]() What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? Empire How did you end up doing what you are doing now? Ph.D. stuff? They accepted me Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? Ghost Face Killer, because I like to tell stories, but the difference being my own life story is filled with too much Street Fighter 2. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs because they rely on you, whereas cats think you're just another big cat and will fuck you up. What is the best part of any given day for you? Breakfast because I cook a big, giant breakfast almost every day. Favorite Buzzfeed list or quiz? Why? I don't really know. In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? Actually, I'd rather be a zombie because who wants to "live" during those rough times? Who's to say that zombies aren't actually thrilled, passionate, and purposeful about what they do? What is the last thing you searched for on google? Wingstop If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? Don't overdry the skin. Moisturize instead. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? Grilled fish on a Bohol beach with mango juice What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? Empire of Funk: Hip Hop and Representation in Filipina/o America This was fun and now I'm hungry. All this talk of breakfast food and wings! If you get the chance definitely pick up Empire of Funk! Mark, Kuttin Kandi, and Rod Labrador will be at the SCPASA Summit at UC Riverside this Saturday. SCPASA Summit participants get a 10% discount. Here's your chance to meet these folks and contributors DJ Icy Ice and Dr. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales.
![]() I can't remember when I met Jenny, but I do know I am grateful to have her in my life because she's one of the funniest people I know. She runs the hilarious tumblr ASIANBOWLCUTS. She's a community organizer. She's been in a documentary with Joan Rivers and other female comedians called Why We Laugh. She's a professional organizer and when I am brave enough to have her come purge my house I will call her. Presently I am not that brave, so I will stick with my quasi hoarder house tchotckey filled home. You can like Jenny on Facebook for updates on her upcoming comedy shows. And now for the Oblivious Interview with this this awesome woman! Name(s) Jenny Yang **real legal name in Chinese you will never understand** Yanger Yangster Jen Jenster Jennyyang (one word) That obnoxious Chinese girl Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : Dis/orient/ed Comedy ( The Highland Park Gentrifier Set. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? Apparently... KnowwhatImean? How did you end up doing what you are doing now? I met societal and parental expectations to be a good Asian. Then realized I could be happier doing other stuff. That other stuff is now writing and stand up comedy and working in television production. I'm saying this process simply because there was a lot of fear, tears and freakouts in-between. I get into it here: and here: Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? I'm working my way up to be RZA - the producer and visionary. But alas. I'm be Wu-Yang, the 10th unknown member who only raps about snacks. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs. They're friendly. And they work for their food. I respect that. What is the best part of any given day for you? The part where I get to lie down - for any number of purposes. What is the last thing you searched for on google?
Wu-Tang Clan. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? Follow your joy and screw what others think. It's all an illusion. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? Chicago. A restaurant called A Tavola. Roasted Lamb Shank on a bed of white bean puree. Delicate hand-made butternut squash ravioli. Followed by the lightest panna cotta ever. That. And my mom's "water-fried" pork buns. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? The project of figuring out how to make a living writing and performing is quite a life-long project. Searching for what I need to say in my work to help others. Dis/orient/ed Comedy ) is a part of that. Getting to be on a Showtime documentary "Why We Laugh: Funny Women" with Joan Rivers and other comedic veterans was kinda of amazing too. Oh. And I'm fixing to write a book about "Being a Good Asian" - at least redefining what that is. And then there's this other thing I'ma do that's called "3 Seconds of Crazy" with Jenny Yang. It'll be on YouTube. (btw: i'm listing these last two because they are ideas that have been incubating and the more I say it out loud the more likely it will happen) In 2003 I met a lot of really awesome people at the 2003 APIA Spoken Word Summit held in Chicago. It was my post college trip with Strawberry Farm Boy Mike. He had gone to the first APIA Spoken Word Summit held two years before in Seattle. When he brought up the trip I figured why not. It sounded pretty cool. In my early 20s I wrote poetry or at least attempted to write poetry, so the Summit was up my alley. At Summit I met my east coast twin who would become the east coast half of Team GAROSS, Hanalei who was a part of this spoken word collective with the all star of San Jose Dandiggity! I remember experience Chicago summer for the first time. Seeing I Was Born With Two Tongues perform for the last time. Doing a scavenger hunt in Chicago with other Asian American artists. I kept in touch with Summit folks through the magic of the internet. Friendster to Myspace to Facebook, it's been nice to see how we've all grown. In the early days we talked to each other with aol instant messenger. Chat rooms conversations with lots of folks was the norm. We would talk about random things and I formed friendships across the country with these folks. It wasn't until I got home that I realized one of these folks was Chris Wang aka Peril-L of the Mountain Brothers. I remember listening to them on various mixtapes in college. Strawberry Farm Boy Mike even had some of their records in his vinyl collection. ![]() My east coast twin Hanalei and I have a tendency of teasing Chris Wang under the moniker TEAM GAROSS. I'm not sure how it started. On our facebook history I think it was some kind of comment involving "tipping" and TEAM GAROSS over use of "that's what she said." (But can you REALLY use TWSS too much?!). Somehow Chris still talks to us via facebook and was kind enough to do an Oblivious Interview with me. Thanks CHRIS! WEST COAST HALF of TEAM GAROSS HEARTS YOU C.WANG! Name(s) Chris Wang, aka Peril-L, aka teapot d0me Affiliations (arts org, fun things you do, etc) : Scientist, collector of modern furniture and design, retired rapper. What's the one word you are guilty of using too much? Non-committal words like "okay", "maybe", and "I don't know". How did you end up doing what you are doing now? Failed as a rapper. :( [oblivious edit: insent kawawa face here man.] Which member of the Wu-Tang Clan best describes your personality? I'll go with Inspectah Deck because he's my favorite. Dogs or Cats, who wins? Why? Dogs! Cats are crazy, and I don't think they like me. ![]() What is the best part of any given day for you? When it's time to get off work. In a zombie apocalypse who would you want on your survival team? Bruce Lee, Dennis Rodman, and Mr. Chow. What is the last thing you searched for on google? Pictures of Keith Sweat. If you could talk to your high school self, what would say? Okay, that's enough hair spray. What is the best thing or meal you ever ate? First time eating toro at Morimoto. What is a memorable project that you are working on or have worked on? CHOPS - Strength In Numbers. Honored to be a part of this historic project! Here's Chops giving the info on the Strength in Numbers Kickstarter that Chris is a part of. Here's the Mountain Brothers music video for "Keep On" off of Strength In Numbers by CHOPSmusic: If you want to be a part of this historic album donate to the CHOPSmusic Strength in Numbers Kickstarter campaign and support good music!
Oblivious InterviewsHere's where I talk to really awesome people and share their stories with you! Archives
March 2016