Last night's Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats with Sessions Los Angeles at The Park's Finest was so amazing. We packed the restaurant with folks who vibed out to music from Sessions LA, enjoyed swear word and notorious rbg coloring sheets, and ate delicious food.
The night also felt like a family reunion. There's a picture of me smiling like a cheesy kindergartener with two Sessions youth that I haven't seen in years. Jaffar is a former student turned instructor who at one point I promised I would take him to Disneyland when he finished college. (The promise still stands!) The thing that tripped me out the most was his brother. I kept telling Abdul that I used to be taller than him! These kids will always be my little brothers and sisters. They've gone from knuckleheads in SIPA's conference room to grown ass folks handling everyday life. ![]() Thank you to everyone who came out last night! Sessions LA is preparing to start programming this month. Fund raised from last night will go towards getting programming in gear! If you enjoyed the music and vibe last night. If you want to support the youth of Los Angeles with community programming that turns their experiences into beats, rhymes, and lyrics. I highly recommend you support Sessions LA. They are currently running a Crowdrise campaign: Keep Sessions LA Alive. You can add your dollars to good music and good people.
Color Your Troubles Away in April is a going to be a sweet Sunday treat! Join us on Sunday, April 10th from 12-2pm at Wanderlust Creamery in Tarzana. Coloring, ice cream, good vibes and good times! You can RSVP onFacebook or via the form below.
Can't wait to color, unwind, and enjoy yummy ice cream with everyone!
Thanks to the homie Michelle who told me about this coloring book. I immediately ordered it from Amazon and had it in my hands. Several sheets have been copied and are ready for Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats, Tuesday, March 29th, 7-9pm at The Park's Finest in Historic-Filipinotown.
The art work in this book is rad and the swear words are hilarious. I can't wait to share these sheets with everyone at the next Color Your Troubles Away. I am super excited to collaborate with Sessions LA. Sessions LA has been working at different high school sites, however they are relaunching back in Historic-Filipinotown at the Pilipino Workers Center. By coloring with us and dining on the excellent Corn Bread Bibingka or Mama Leah's Coco Beef, you will be helping out the community in multiple ways. Supporting local business and supporting Sessions LA plus getting some stress relief in by coloring an awesome page from this book like "Moose Knuckle!" ![]() RSVP on Facebook by clicking on the flyer. Or you can RSVP via the form below. And if you have funds that you want to donate for that tax write off before tax day, click on the Keep Sessions LA Alive image and donate to their Crowdrise campaign. See you soon friends! Oblivious Out!
Last night was the culmination of a random email to Christine Bacareza Balance, rocker profesora extraordinaire, and the magic of #rakenrol.
This was Mike's instagram caption
Deng Garcia, lead singer of @flyingipisband, bookended by two of the people who made tonight happen, @basyang76 and @obliviousnerdgrl. If it wasn't for Elaine pestering Christine about bringing them out, who knows if tonight would have even happened? #flyingipis #lagiveipisachance Thank you for the shout outs from Christine and Deng. Christine truly deserves all the credit for putting last night's two shows together. I was simply asking the universe to bring some OPM fun times to Los Angeles!
This was last night's merch purchase. Tshirts, cds, and stickers oh my! The funds raised all went to the Flying Ipis SXSW fund. Last night's two shows (9pm and 11pm) helped raise close to 2K for the band!
.These pictures were from my instagram account (@obliviousnerdgrl)
This video is from Oblivious hubster - Mike Nailat.
Last night was insanely fun. To witness a rrriot girl punk rock band from these four Filipinas in an intimate setting was crazy. The venue held 20-25 people at the most. It was a hot and sweaty mess. Folks were jumping and rocking out to Flying Ipis who put on a kick ass show.
If you are in Austin for SXSW this week, definitely check Flying Ipis out. You will have a good time. Their songs are infectious. Their songs are #rakenrol. Their songs are OPM good times.
Very excited for the next Color Your Troubles Away this month! We're doing a collaboration with Sessions LA for a Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats fundraiser at The Park's Finest in Historic-Filipinotown on Tuesday, March 29th, 7pm-9pm! You can RSVP on Facebook or through the Google form below.
Many thanks to ET of Sessions LA for creating our flyer for the event! In December it was announced that the all girl, garage punk band Flying Ipis would be playing SXSW this March. I remember when I was programming Flipping The Music Video I learned about this band after our program. This band stayed on my radar and I was super jazzed for them when they made their SXSW announcement. When Taken By Cars played SXSW in 2012, the folks at Super Astig put together a fundraiser show for them. So I was hoping that there would be something for Flying Ipis. It goes to show, when you ask the universe, the universe will answer. This Saturday, March 12th, Flying Ipis will be playing two shows in Los Angeles. There are only 20 TICKETS per show. This means each show will be super awesome & intimate! This show is going to be rad. I can't wait to dance around to some kick ass music. Get your tickets now! ![]() From the ticketing site: All proceeds from ticket and merchandise sales benefit the band's costs in traveling to SXSW. Tickets: $20 (admission only) $30 (admission + CD) $40 (admission + FLYING IPIS T-shirt OR Tote bag) $50 (admission + CD + T-shirt OR Tote Bag) ONLINE TICKET SALES ONLY. No tickets will be sold at the door. Exact venue/studio location will be sent directly to ticket holders after confirmation of purchase. Ticket holders can pick up their merch at the show (event organizer will have list of those who purchased packages). Buy Tickets Here: Flying Ipis L.A. || SXSW Fundraiser -- 9PM (1st show) (DOORS OPEN 8:30pm) Flying Ipis L.A. || SXSW Fundraiser -- 11PM (2nd show) (DOORS OPEN 10:30PM) About Flying Ipis (From SXSW 2016):
Flying Ipis is an all-girl, garage punk rock quartet hailing from Manila, Philippines. Composed by Deng Garcia on vocals/guitars, Ymi Castel on guitars, Tanya Singh on bass, and Gaki Azurin on drums, the ban_d’s notoriously cheeky name ("ipis" = "cockroach" in English) endeared them and their music to rising cult status. Originally formed in the corridors of an all-girl, Catholic high school, Flying Ipis debuted their music in the local circuit with The Flying EP in 2009. In 2011, Flying Ipis formally joined LockedDown Entertainment, where they released their first full-length album, Give Ipis A Chance (2013) – which included their widely acclaimed singles, ‘Sssikreto’ and ‘Past is Past, Bitch!’ A cut from the same album, ‘This Song Is About You’ was a part of the soundtrack for the multi-awarded Cinemalaya film, Ang Nawawala. They have been featured by several print and online publications (PULP, STATUS, Meg, Clavel, Mabuhay Magazine) and music websites (PinoyTuner, Radio Republic, Amplify,ph, NDFY.me, Vandals On The Wall) and is an endorser of local lifestyle and clothing brand, Team Manila. Known for their infectiously, borderline dangerous, energy on stage, Flying Ipis successfully and consistently translates the palpable mania of their music from the studio to an audience of ranging scale. The band has opened for international acts Japandroids and Metric, played for local rock fests and festivals, notably the Oktoberfest, Fete de la Musique, and the Jack Daniel’s Indie Fest.
This morning I thought about lettering a quote for #internationalwomensday. Instead my #handlettering practice is my Tita Luz's name. I got word that she passed away peacefully in the Philippines. Tita Luz was Pops youngest sister, who he called "Baby Luz." She took up the family business which is religion and became a nun.
Tita Luz worked with NGO's on environmental justice campaigns in the Philippines. She once sent me stamps to sell as a fundraiser for her work. I think I ended up returning them because I didn't know how to sell them. Tita Luz was diagnosed with emphysema when I was in my first year of grad school. I would stress smoke at my grad internship and I remember LT reminding me I had shared about Tita Luz's illness. Eventually I stopped smoking. She was sick for a very long time. She isn't in pain anymore. I have a feeling she visited Pops this morning when a pestering moth flew around him as he went about his morning routine. I always feel odd mourning for family that I've never met. Nonetheless I still feel the need to grieve her loss. Chalk this up to another transnational Filipino family story. Farewell Tita Luz. Say hello to Lola Sweet, Lola Inday, Lolo Nonoy, & Lola Taling for me. 2016 has been a crazy year. There were times where I struggled to listen to the universe when it came to peers and projects. I can gladly say I'm listening to the universe and grinding away at things that I believe in. FORM follows FUNCTION (FfF) is a place-based media collaborative based in Los Angeles creating unique documentaries that advocate for places since 2011. FfF is an independent collaborative running on love: love of architecture, architecture history, the built environment, and people who help make places unique. Recently I joined Form follows Function as an Assistant Producer. This is exciting because I have always been a fan of FfF projects. WALKING WITH GRACE is the first virtual reality (VR) documentary about Little Tokyo. The film follows Grace Chikui, a blind resident and long time resident walk through her day in Little Tokyo. Shooting was an amazing process. The Little Tokyo community looks out for Grace, with one resident calling her "Little Tokyo's Princess." Tonight FfF is having our kick off fundraiser for WALKING WITH GRACE. We are raising money to help us pay for the equipment, software, and staff needed to distribute this documentary on multiple platforms including a 360° web player and mobile applications (ios/android) with added interactive features highlighting historic sites in the documentary. Join us at Far Bar Little Tokyo (Far Bar Little Tokyo (upstairs lounge), 347 E 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90012, 6-8pm, farbarla.com) and meet the team behind FfF Interactive (a new initiative using immersive technology to celebrate the history of neighborhoods through local perspectives.), experience VR footage on a Gear VR headset, watch exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of our process, and have some drinks & appetizers with us as we launch our fundraiser! You can also meet Little Tokyo's Princess herself, Grace Chikui will be at the party tonight! If you are unable to make it to our Virtual Reality Happy Hour, but you want to support FfF you can donate to our Crowdrise Campaign: Walking With Grace and be a part of this journey with us. Follow Form follow Function on Social Media for more updates on WALKING WITH GRACE! Form follows Function Facebook: Form follows Function Form follows Function Twitter: @FfFMEDIA Form follows Function Instagram: @fffmedia Walking With Grace Crowdrise Campaign: Walking With Grace ![]() I met Candace when she was a volunteer for Tuesday Night Cafe. I love that Tuesday Night Cafe is such an awesome space that connects folks with each other! At one Tuesday Night show, she was teaching folks how to create their own Zine's with one sheet of 8 x 11.5 paper. It was so neat and we got to create our own mini zine's to share with each other. I eventually took that new zine making skill and used it for promotional materials for work! I also created a Zine/business card for Oblivious Nerd Girl when it was in it's infancy. In other words, Candace is rad! She is so rad that she will be Oregon's representative for the Western States Arts Federation's Emerging Leaders of Color Program. She also co-manages this really dope blog called Asians Doing Everything, I can't wait for you all to find out more about Candace! Oblivious meets Candace Kita. |
#ColorYourTroublesAway Organizer of coloring events in Los Angeles|#TFAL#TFALpodcast This Filipino American Life podcast @tfalpodcast|Writer of ObliviousnessFollow me on instagram (@obliviousnerdgrl) for daily obliviousness and teaser sheets for Color Your Troubles Away! Archives
July 2017