Last night's Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats with Sessions Los Angeles at The Park's Finest was so amazing. We packed the restaurant with folks who vibed out to music from Sessions LA, enjoyed swear word and notorious rbg coloring sheets, and ate delicious food.
The night also felt like a family reunion. There's a picture of me smiling like a cheesy kindergartener with two Sessions youth that I haven't seen in years. Jaffar is a former student turned instructor who at one point I promised I would take him to Disneyland when he finished college. (The promise still stands!) The thing that tripped me out the most was his brother. I kept telling Abdul that I used to be taller than him! These kids will always be my little brothers and sisters. They've gone from knuckleheads in SIPA's conference room to grown ass folks handling everyday life. ![]() Thank you to everyone who came out last night! Sessions LA is preparing to start programming this month. Fund raised from last night will go towards getting programming in gear! If you enjoyed the music and vibe last night. If you want to support the youth of Los Angeles with community programming that turns their experiences into beats, rhymes, and lyrics. I highly recommend you support Sessions LA. They are currently running a Crowdrise campaign: Keep Sessions LA Alive. You can add your dollars to good music and good people.
Color Your Troubles Away in April is a going to be a sweet Sunday treat! Join us on Sunday, April 10th from 12-2pm at Wanderlust Creamery in Tarzana. Coloring, ice cream, good vibes and good times! You can RSVP onFacebook or via the form below.
Can't wait to color, unwind, and enjoy yummy ice cream with everyone!
Thanks to the homie Michelle who told me about this coloring book. I immediately ordered it from Amazon and had it in my hands. Several sheets have been copied and are ready for Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats, Tuesday, March 29th, 7-9pm at The Park's Finest in Historic-Filipinotown.
The art work in this book is rad and the swear words are hilarious. I can't wait to share these sheets with everyone at the next Color Your Troubles Away. I am super excited to collaborate with Sessions LA. Sessions LA has been working at different high school sites, however they are relaunching back in Historic-Filipinotown at the Pilipino Workers Center. By coloring with us and dining on the excellent Corn Bread Bibingka or Mama Leah's Coco Beef, you will be helping out the community in multiple ways. Supporting local business and supporting Sessions LA plus getting some stress relief in by coloring an awesome page from this book like "Moose Knuckle!" ![]() RSVP on Facebook by clicking on the flyer. Or you can RSVP via the form below. And if you have funds that you want to donate for that tax write off before tax day, click on the Keep Sessions LA Alive image and donate to their Crowdrise campaign. See you soon friends! Oblivious Out!
Very excited for the next Color Your Troubles Away this month! We're doing a collaboration with Sessions LA for a Color Your Troubles Away + Beats & Eats fundraiser at The Park's Finest in Historic-Filipinotown on Tuesday, March 29th, 7pm-9pm! You can RSVP on Facebook or through the Google form below.
Many thanks to ET of Sessions LA for creating our flyer for the event! Support my favorite knuckleheads, the good folks at Sessions LA by enjoying the fine foods at The Park's Finest!
Strawberry Farm Boy Mike is spinning from 7-8pm. I'll be there hanging out, trying to write, and dining on some yummy bbq. On Monday I came home from a meeting and found this waiting for me. Initially all I saw was "Thank you Lainey" It took some prodding from Strawberry Farm Boy for me to take a second look at the whole message. "Thank you. Lainey (loves Drake). I shook my fist in the air and swore on the SessionsLA instructors who most likely wrote this on my indiegogo funded mixtape. When I stop by to hang out with the kids and sometimes provide college counseling I may have mentioned that I enjoyed Drake's latest record. That stupid "Hold On, We're Going Home" is freaking catchy! And this video? OMG, it is RIDICULOUS. Like what is happening in this video? The song doesn't come in until 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the video! There is straight up exposition being shown to you in those 2 minutes and 30 seconds! Drake is partying with his boys. Life is good, right? No, no it's not good. While Drake is celebrating with his boys, his gal is getting ready in sexy lingerie and then gets kidnapped?! What club has phones? How is he getting this phone call? Drake then saves her in a cinematic gun battle that reminds me of the movie Heat. LIke in what universe is this possible? Apparently in Drake's universe it happens. Drake tangent aside, SessionsLA continues to do work with youth. I'm happy that a portion of the proceeds from Flipping The Music Video will support SessionsLA. These programs are few and far in between. SessionsLA is run by good people (minus the Drake messages!) and puts out good music. And as I've mentioned in previous posts is founded by Strawberry Farm Boy Mike. Who knew having turntables in Mike's old SIPA office could turn into the amazing program that SessionsLA is today. Flipping The Music Video
Thursday, February 13th 8-10pm Echo Park Film Center Music Videos, panelists, live performances Light refreshments $5 suggested donation Proceeds to benefit The Harmony Project & Sessions LosAngeles ![]() Send Sessions LA some love. I am super proud of a former Sessions LA youth/instructor who is my first mentee and now a college grad. 5 years ago Laurent thought college wasn't for him, but too many folks in the community wouldn't let him fail. This past June Laurent graduated and although I couldn't be at his graduation because I was working one for my day job, I am ecstatic. Yes Laurent is a Sessions LA success story. A knucklehead like Laurent stayed off the street by hanging out in Strawberry Farm Boy Mike's old SIPA office by being the first Sessions student learing how to dj on Mike's turntables. They are currently raising funds for Sessions LA Summer Institute. What is that? Here's what's listed on the Indiegogo campaign:
What is the Sessions LA Summer Institute? Sessions LA's Summer Institute is a 3-month intensive summer music program organized and run by Sessions LA. It is targeted to youth ages 15 to 20 years that have either some musical training or have participated in our Fall & Spring Sessions program. The Summer Institute's goal is to draw from and build upon the beginner & intermediate level DJ, Production, Recording, and Writing / Vocal Performance skills learned in our Fall & Spring Sessions to produce an original album focused around the theme of "Roots". Through this process, we hope that the young artists can not only improve upon their music performance and technology skills, but also will find a stronger voice in using their artforms to tell the stories of their community. Support more success stories like Laurent. I currently have a deal with Jaffar, a former Sessions LA student turned Instructor, that if he graduates from college I will cover a ticket to Disneyland. At least 2 other folks are in on this deal (I'm looking at you Ali and Bev!) I get my "serve the people" gene from my family. As much as I wish I could abide by the Gordon Gecko mantra of "Greed is Good" and be a shady millionaire, my quality of life is intrinsically tied to helping the community. All that helping your fellow man stuff I learned from too many years of catholic school stuck. Also the fact that our family history (two granduncles who are WWII vets, a grandaunt who was a judge, an uncle who was a mayor) has ties to civic duty and serving the people. ![]() During the academic year I help out with Sessions LA as their college counselor. Support Sessions LA by having a meal at The Park's Finest tonight. A portion of the profits supports the music program that's housed at SIPA. Enjoy a yummy meal and some rad tunes picked by the Sessions LA family. Strawberry Farm Boy Mike will be spinning records tonight at 7pm. I'll be there writing stuff and possibly playing Animal Crossing before or after I have a delicious meal of elote, rice, and either ribs or coco beef. |
#ColorYourTroublesAway Organizer of coloring events in Los Angeles|#TFAL#TFALpodcast This Filipino American Life podcast @tfalpodcast|Writer of ObliviousnessFollow me on instagram (@obliviousnerdgrl) for daily obliviousness and teaser sheets for Color Your Troubles Away! Archives
July 2017